Finding our voice

I have spent many of my 30 years being the person who always said YES. The people pleaser. Who knew how to stand up for myself in my head and heart but was never able to voice this to others. My opinion often went unheard and un valued because my voice let me down.

As a child I was so confident i wanted to have my name in bright lights, be a singer, dancer , actress…I had a voice. Somewhere along the way my voice was dulled and I found myself holding onto many thoughts, opinions and truths that I wouldn’t allow myself to speak. Whilst doing this and holding back for so long the confidence I was gifted with as a child was stolen and I started to suppress many things. I allowed people to walk all over me including boyfriends, friends, colleagues, family members and bosses never standing my ground and being absolutely petrified of using my voice to protect myself , my values and my worth.

Eventually i found myself naturally giving advice and sharing my knowledge and opinions with close friends, whanau, colleagues and sometimes strangers, this brought me much happiness and fulfilment and i practiced this until I realized that others were quick to trust and open up to me. I noticed that they would come to me for my guidance and support on many topics or areas of their lives which i found extremely humbling.

Thankfully this helped me grow in confidence and trust and in recent times I have learned to say no to things I do not love, enjoy and value and more importantly I have learned that my voice is very powerful , I owe it to myself to hold my ground and stand up for myself or others when it is called for.

I encourage you to use your voice, don’t shy away or worry about the judgment of others – life is far too short for that. Do not hold back that inner voice which is often intuition and very powerful, speak on it, voice it!

What an empowering transition and movement it has been , to shed those feelings of disbelief and unworthiness within and now feel victorious in my ability to support myself.

It is a journey but I am so grateful that I am on my way. Why don’t you join me?

NW x

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